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Topics - TrinSF

Hey! Long time, all that. Here's the question. I have an interstate child support claim originating in Georgia. Georgia law as I understand it says that support is paid until 18 birthday or graduation from high school. My son is turning 18 this fall, but is a senior, so he won't be out of high school until June 2007. My memory/understanding had been that there would be child support (currently direct deposit to CSE) until he graduated. The age/grade thing is not because he is a poor student -- he's exemplary -- but just because of when he started kindergarten.

However, I just looked at the custody revision paperwork which was written by the Court (we were both pro se and the judge ordered the juvenile court officers to draft the custody modification and then sent it to us signed, without ever giving us a chance to check it) and it says until 18, with no mention of high school. This will create a hardship, of course.

Because it's an interstate claim, Georgia won't let me contact them directly about this  -- I have to go through my state, California. So, here's the deal -- will Georgia CSE automatically continue until child graduates, or will my ex be able to stop payment at birthday month?
Can/should I appeal? How likely is that to be granted? Am I screwed because the Court wrote the custody modification decree that way?
