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Topics - lelliott12


           I have a question and will take ANY advise. My x's new "significant other" has posted my kid's pictures on a public internet site. There is nothing inappropriate about the photos, and I am not jealous, I am just really uncomfortable with the pictures being up there. We had agreed a while back (as my x is a frequent flier on websites like MYSPACE.COM etc) that neither of us would post the kids pictures online...for safety reason. Now not only is the agreement broken but I have basically been told they do not intend to take the pictures down. Since I did not consent to the photos being up there is there anything I can do to get them taken down?

Any help would be appreciated.

I have a question and will take ANY advise.  My x's new "fling" has posted my kid's pictures on a public internet site.  There is nothing inappropriate about the photos, and I am not jealous, I am just really uncomfortable with the pictures being up there.  We had agreed a while back (as my x is a frequent flier on websites like MYSPACE.COM etc) that neither of us would post the kids pictures online...for safety reason.  Now not only is the agreement broken but I have basically been told they do not intend to take the pictures down.  Since I did not consent to the photos being up there is there anything I can do to get them taken down?

Any help would be appreciated.
