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Topics - fpollack

My ex has "primary physical custody" of our two sons.  I am currently seeking full custody with visitation for her.  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is very heavily weighted towards the mother.  My ex has, in the recent past, (short list):

Moved two different men in and out of her home after knowing them for less than six months.  One has a history of abuse.

Spends child support on these men, (she admitted to me) while the kids go without.

Slapped my oldest son in the face "more than six times", (his words).  This occured as several different incidents, not all at once.

Denies nearly all access to kids other than what was dictated by the courts.

I filed for custody in June, the first portion of the hearing wasn't until November.  My ex's lawyer postponed finishing the hearing.  The courts have re-scheduled for February 2007!

My lawyer can't do anything about the scheduling and suggests that filing a PFA on behalf of the kids or filing a motion for relief would be viewed as a ploy.

Any advice would be helpful.