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Topics - tannim1dragon

Visitation Issues / Remaining in my boys lives
Mar 25, 2007, 11:52:12 PM
I am a single father now of four amazing boys, for the past three years I have taken my boys as often as possible from my now x-wife. It is a very stressful situation and has continually been hard on my boys and my xwife and I. On top of all of the normal routine we have created, my xwife is in a relationship that has been very hard on the kids and the situation between my xwife and myself. Her current boyfriend whom she has been with now for the past few years has an extensive criminal record and a history of abuse. She has repeatedly called me in the middle of the night after he has either hit her or yelled at my kids. I do not feel the environment is a safe one. I never have.

When we first decided to end our marriage because of her ongoing infedelity with this other man, My xwife Jeannine, stopped paying the mortgage on the house we had shared, I had already signed the home over to her fully as a place for her and my children to live. As a result she was sued, and we both ended up with a wage attachment that barely ended a few months ago, child support was not paid at that time by either of us. Only recently has the Child support agency started attaching to my wages after some confusion with having the wrong person served with my paperwork. I actually have a meeting with the case worker tomorrow morning to get the correct dollar amounts straightened out. They are currently taking about 90% of my earnings, because they are under the belief that I make about $5,000 per month, when in reality I am making $1,835.00 before taxes.

Jeannine heard from me that I was planning to meet with the child support case worker this past Thursday, on Friday when we met in a Denny's parking lot for me to pick up the boys like we usually do, when I got the boys home I noticed that my youngest son (Konnor age 4) had a very pink area just under his right eye,  I took him to the Doctor the next day and had it looked at, it was a sty, the Dr. prescribed medicine and I called Jeannine to let her know what the outcome was, I got her voicemail. When she called back she turned the tables on me and tried to make me out to be a horrible parent for letting my son get a sty. He had it when I picked him up. Now I don't get all bent out of shape when things happen like this. Jeannine then told me this evening after dropping the boys off at her parents home that I would no longer be seeing my children and that I would have to get a court order just to have visitation rights. Our divorce paperwork clearly stated full joint and physical custody of our children.
My x wife is a very good parent when times are good, but there are times when her relationship jeopardizes the safety of the children. I do not understand how full joint custody can be taken away because she doesn't want to deal with me.

For three years we have kept the boys to a very regular schedule, and only since she found out that I was trying to fix the child support issue, never has my seeing my boys been an issue until now. I love my boys very much and it would be very sad for them and I not to be able to have our time together.

A few things that I have concerns over with Jeannine and her living situation as well. She tells the courts and child support that she is living in La Habra at her parents home, but is only there with the kids on the weekends, the rest of the time she keeps her daughter and our four boys at her boyfriends studio, 7 people living in one room and I don't see that as a very good environment especially when the police have been called on him several times for his behavior toward her or my children. Jeannine works in Riverside, the boys attend school in riverside and get up every day at 4am in the morning to get ready for school and do not get home from school most days until 7-8pm, my boys do not get the a normal childhood with friends or time to play and I think that is wrong.

I want to spend as much time with them as possible because my boys really love their dad. They are my sons and I really care about their future.

Thank you,
Chris "Tannim" Hiebert