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Topics - gerogiadad

Visitation Issues / Going against the court Order
Jul 19, 2007, 08:51:42 AM
I am new to all this "Custodial Parent" stuff.  I am an Unwed Father that gained primary custody.
Now, however, I have the battle of my life apparently trying to get the NCP to follow the court order.  She lives a few states away and the court order states that she is allowed to have visitation by flying our child to and from visitation.  She has been given a deviation in Child support to provide for this.  She sent me an email that states she will be Driving this 14 hour trip.  I feel that if I allow this, I will be in contempt.  But I also feel that if I deny this visitation based on the court order I can also be held in contempt.  

How can I proceed?  Do I deny, or allow?  Are there any legal actions that can be taken if I deny based on the information?
