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Topics - Fas

What is the common requirement for support for handicapped child, when Divorce decree does not reference other than termination per state guidelines (Arkansas)?   As Non Custodial Parent (NCP), I have maintained long term support for my Downs Syndrome child who is coming of age for 18 birthday in two months.   My divorce decree from Arkansas stated that 18 or graduation from High School, Child Support (CS) ended  

In speaking with Custodial Parent (CP), I found out their plan is to continue child in high school repeating current senior year over and over again till school will not allow child to return.  CP has NO plans for SSI or any other support than CS and Medicaid.   CP also updated expectation that I as NCP would continue to provide CS for life for the child to CP.    In addition, CP has started filing for guardianship of child for issues post 18, and asked for myself to sign over rights for the support of Adult child.  

As per divorce decree, I provide support based on 2.5 Chart Rate CS per income, so this is not a trivial amount.   My concern is having the child in repeating class cycle even though school has noted that being ready to graduate.    Plus, CP is not filing for any support like SSI or SSID, to prepare for adult support including medical expenses.   While not retired, I am approaching/planning retirement years in near term, which will put me in hard situation for 2.5 chart support for lifetime.

I am not sure who or what would legal body would requirement me to provide this even if child completes high school, when the divorce decree did not list this as a requirement.   The CP updated on expectation that support payments would continue through clearinghouse via payroll deductions for perpetuity to the CP, which I do not believe can continue nor is there a legal obligation.  

The child does not have medical, health, or life requirements other than standard expenses (At this point - but has been in good health for years with no issues pending - Thank Goodness!).   Child is working in part time job for life skills and associating with Downs groups in preparation for extended adult home living.    Child receives income (minimal wage) for part time work and plans to go to full time post school.  The CP plans to move child from part time extended adult home living to    part time post high school to prepare for lifetime events.  

As a footnote: I do not want to come across as someone who does not provide or take care of child ... but I have great concerns on assumption of lifetime commitment to the *CP* ... and not the child.   I have supported outside of CS to child, and plan to continue for Adult needs, but did not plan to have to route this through the *CP*.