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Topics - baldarmyguy78

Father's Issues / Desperate for help!!!
Oct 26, 2008, 07:02:31 PM
I am a father of two beautiful girls that I haven't seen in about five years.  Their mother (my ex-wife) lives in Pennsylvania and I live in Missouri.  I have not been with my girls since Christmas of 2003 because my ex has decided to cut off all communication with them.  She tells everyone that I have not made any attempts to see or talk to them, send presents, cards, etc.......which after about August of 2004 is true.  True because the last time I tried to go see them, she had her boyfriend carry my oldest one outside just within sight of me and not a bit closer.  She got a smile on her face when she saw me.  He then whispered in her ear, and she looked at me and said, "Todd is my daddy....I don't know who you are."  Needless to say I was quite infuriated and upset.  He proceeded to place her back in the house and come back to bully me into never being heard from again......saying that he is their new daddy.

Since then, I have been denied all contact while at the same time being raped for child support.  That may sound like an objectionable way to word it, but I assure you it's the most proper.  There is no child custody agreement, unless like everything else, it was put in place without my say.  The one time I spoke to a judge, he literally told me that he would not hear anything I had to say unless I had an attorney....even after I had mentioned that it was my right not to have one.  No one will listen to me, but because of everything I can't even think to afford an attorney.  

Now, I have a new wife and a child in Missouri.  Missouri has just recently taken over enforcement of child support for the order in place in PA.  Though I am forced to pay child support, I can't hardly afford to pay the entire thing.  It is destined that Missouri will come down on me and face me with felony charges.  Imagine that.......a father who wants everything to do with his kids being completely denied, harassed, ignored, then convicted of a felony for not being able to afford it all.  I need help ASAP!!!