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Topics - triedpatience

Visitation Issues / In relation to new spouse
Jan 04, 2009, 10:06:11 AM
I am having problems vistation with my 4 year old son. I am remarried and my ex-wife does not believe he should be left alone with her for even the amount of time it takes to have a shower. There is no issue of abuse but my ex says she is 'not authorized' to help parent the child and discipline him.

She is also very intrusive into my life asking what for instance he had for lunch and did during the day and then berating me very rudely about it and telling me exactly what he can and can't do. It adds a lot of stress into the situation

I have joint custody with her but she says that she is the mother and she spends most of the time with him so she decides.

Any insight would be very helpfull, thanks.