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Topics - cmnugent

Child Support Issues / FL CS issues
Mar 12, 2009, 12:02:36 PM
My ex is over $35,000 behind in CS.  There is an income deduction order in place in FL.  He has run to WA to escape paying.  I have address and phone numbers for him and have given FL DOR and CSE this information, however nothing has happened.  Is there anything else I can do?

I am on the verge of going to court to take away his parental rights, but my father ( lawyer) has advised me not to.  My ex rarely calls and hasn't seen our son in almost two years (7 months of which we lived less than 5 miles from each other).  I have never denied my ex access to our son and I let our son call his father if he ever asks.
Our son is 8 yo and is asking to call his father less and less (out of sight out of mind, broken promises and all that). 

Any advice???