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Custody Issues / Please I need some good advise
Oct 05, 2009, 03:39:02 PM
About a year and half ago me and my boyfriend ended up signing our newborn daughter over to my mom due to some drug problems that we was going through. Now we have been clean for over a year and have our own place and we are also taking care of our baby boy. To make the story short my mom started abusing her prescription drugs and now she is just not the same person that she once was. Due to our falling relationship it is getting really impossible to even see our daughter and be there for her. I also dont know if my daughter is safe anymore. Financially we are ok but not to a point where we can afford a 3000 dollar lawyer to handle our case. We just dont know what to do right now and dont know where to even begin. We really want our girl back but dont have the money to hire a lawyer, We have tried legal aid but no one there seem to even want to help us. Do you think is possible that we can do without a lawyer? Any help or advise would be really appreciated.