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Topics - kevinA


My wife and I are divorcing. ( 12.5 yr marriage, (2) children (7 & 9 yrs. old), No spousal abuse, she left the marriage, She makes over

110,000 and I make 60,000 per year, I cared for my kids when she worked odd hours)

In September, our lawyers were drafting a separation agreement (we didn't agree on several points, so we were still hashing out the

The latest revision of that draft (written by her attorney) showed a parenting schedule that allowed me equal time (53% with her / 47%

with me) with our children AND stated I would be getting child support from her.

Note: During this time & before any agreement was met, she was also trying to finance a new house contingent on using the equity of my

refinancing the marital home. I wasn't moving because the agreement was not finalized.
Well, because of the time it was taking to finalize our separation agreement, she got tired of waiting & dropped out of these "back &

forth" negotiations and served me a complaint for divorce. This now showed a reduction of my parenting time (she ignored the 'draft'

schedule) & was asking for child support from me. (She later admitted to me she HAD to do this in order to get approved for the

financing on her new house.)

We went to court for the child time, because she was having her mother watch the children while she worked, instead of me. I "won" the

court case, basically the judge just quoted the Support Guidelines from Massachusetts. I got the kids when she was working, however she

has now changed her work schedule to take this time away from me.

Now, the un-agreed upon schedule is 60/40...& she is still pursuing child support from me.

I've been an involved father, whole day's involved with my children.
I don't think she has been thinking in the best interest of the children, starting with her affair!

What do you feel my rights are?
Does the draft separation agreement hold any value in court for showing an acceptable parenting schedule?
Obviously, I would need support from her to balance out the future obligations we will have for supporting the children and the
children's home.
Any strategy suggestions?
