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Messages - cowboy crazy

I do not see a court approving this.  These children have a father who pays support, stays in contact, and does the best he can.  They do not need a legal guardian, they have a mother and father.  I really do not see this happening.
Custody Issues / RE: Results from Evaluations?
Jan 26, 2006, 05:42:07 AM
Oh holy cow, 7 months??? WOW!  It's been 6 1/2 weeks for us and I am about to go NUTS!!!  I hope we hear something soon!
Custody Issues / Results from Evaluations?
Jan 25, 2006, 01:33:35 PM
We had court ordered psychological evaluations done, they were all finished up mid December.  How long does it usually take to get the findings?  We are on pins and needles here but have not heard a word from the psychologist, our lawyer says to be patient!  Not that easy!
Just wandering from others experiences how long it took.

Yes, I do think the evaluators, if they are good can see thru the lies.  A good thing is to have documentation or proof to back it up proving that she is lying.  I am not sure about the switching weeks, some Judges like it some don't - it really depends on the Judge.  If the evaluator were to suggest that then yes, it would way heavily with the evaluator.  I am not sure of any in your area, ours was done in Houston.
Custody Issues / RE: father wins a bit long sorry
Jan 06, 2006, 03:26:09 PM
I think you need to spell out more things:

Weekends:  EOW - the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends beginning at XXX time on Friday and ending at XXX time on Sunday.  

Weekend Extended by a Holiday: If a weekend of possession begins on a Friday that is a holiday or if the period ends on or is immediatley followed by a Monday then that said weekend visit will begin on that Thursday at XXX time or will end on Monday at XXX time.

Week Day Visit - Is there going to be anything like this?  If so it is usually on like Wednesday or Thursday for like 2-3 hours.

Christmas Holidays need to be spelled out exactly: In even number years dad with have both boys from XXX time on the day school lets out until 12 on Christmas Day.  
In odd numbered years dad will have both boys from 12 on Christmas day until XXX time the day before school resumes

Thanksgiving Holiday - In odd numbered years dad will have both boys from XXX time that school lets out until XXX time the day before school resumes.

Spring Break:  In odd numbered years dad will have both boys from XXX time the day school lets out until XXX time the day before school resumes.

Summer Visit:  This really needs to be spelled out.  Usually the NCP will get 4 weeks in the summer with so much advanced notice to the CP but since you will have 1 child and she will have 1 then I would say split the summer down the middle - you get 6 weeks with both boys and she gets 6 weeks with both boys.  Something like that.

Summer Weekend Possesion - Usually if the summer visit is more than 4 weeks the other parent gets 2 weekends of their choice with advanced notice.

Then you need to spell out:  Easter, 4th Of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Halloween.

Be very specific because if the 2 cannot communicate then anything that is left in a "gray" area will cause major problems!  Think everything out and spell it all out so there cannot be any questions. List all times and everything!

Congrats and goodluck!
Custody Issues / RE: texas evaluators?
Jan 04, 2006, 08:00:50 AM
We have just finished up our evaluations with the psychologist in Texas.  We should be getting the results of the evaluations this week.  Our experience was that the evaluator was very thorough, asked a lot of questions and seemed to really listen.  We did the parent child play sessions and that seemed to go pretty well.  He gave each side the opportunity to talk about their concerns of the other parent and listened to what we had to say.  He wanted all the documentation we could give.  All in all we think it was very helpful and hopefully open some eyes to the situation that is at hand.  I think if you decide to do this then the key is to be very honest, tell him your concerns and have the proof to back it up.  Do not slam your ex spouse but let your concerns be known.  The child play session will show a lot too.

This is probably not much help but with the age of your child I think this would be the best way to for you since she is not old enough to express her feelings to the courts yet.
Custody Issues / RE: Father wins custody
Nov 02, 2005, 12:11:43 PM
My husband nor I will have a problem stating that the best thing for the children would be to live with us.  But the ex will say the same thing after all she is the only one who can take care of them properly!! :)  We will be honest and we have TONS of documentation and conversations to give to him too.  Not to mention that the oldest is very adament about living here and is very anxious to talk to the evaluator - she wants this over and to move with us asap!
Custody Issues / RE: Father wins custody
Nov 02, 2005, 05:43:51 AM
We requested ours too, but thankfully the expenses are split but it is still costing us $4000 for just our half.  But we feel that it is worth it and hopefully her true colors will come out and they will finally see what we have been seeing for the last several years!
Custody Issues / RE: Father wins custody
Nov 01, 2005, 12:10:59 PM
My husband is in the middle of a custody battle for his children, the oldest is very adament about living with us, the youngest wants to live in both places and is happy with each parent.  Both of the children call me mom and I have very good relationships with both of them.  We are doing the psychological evaluations too - the ex started hers this week, we start ours next week and they go thru the beginning of December.
What should we expect during these evaluations, what do we say, ANY help would be great!!!  
Custody Issues / RE: Change in custody
Sep 30, 2005, 10:42:43 AM
Need more information such as how old are the kids, how long have you had custody, have you denied visitation or phone calls?  Lots more information needed.