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Messages - spinner

my ex after 3 years of battle finaly came to sense and we are "talking" and everything is great.

I am gona change job AND told her that the CS office won't know and she won't get a check for a while then they will take more, ...

She is pissed, I told her, well maybe if we get off the CS agency, ... I can send you checks, ...

Anyway: how do we get of of them ? and go back to me sending her a check ?
Minnesota State Forum / RE: Are we being finicky?
Jan 16, 2004, 01:40:01 PM
this is a hard one, I read it 3 days ago and took me that time to find an answer.

I wouldn't be too worried BUT why don't you wait 6 month and propose to the ex "to help her" to change it so it's this and that day and there and less days during the week but 2 more week vacations for her with kids in summer ?
Minnesota State Forum / RE:
Jan 16, 2004, 01:37:20 PM
remember this is just my answers, I am not a lawyer and I am not you
I would contact CPS here (don't call, go there) if you are from MPLS, let me know I'll give you the address and file a complaint for abusif behavior and that you are concern after she loose that attack she might harass your son sexualy to say it was you. return it against her

>Now the question.
>1: Do I go back to court for full custody on this?

Won't do a thing especialy that they are in IOWA

>2: How much weight do judges put on these false accustations
>with regards to a custody change?

No idea
>3: X has tried this before about 5 years ago and it was thrown
>out. Does that help establish a pattern?

YES, keep all the proof. Ever thought about playing that little game yourself (without including your son of course)? But do the cops know she sales drug ? Just so she knows how it feels, she might think twice the next time.
>4: With just this small bit of info what do you think my
>chances are of a custody reversal are now?

None (just my thoughts like I said I am not lawyer)

I hope I helped man, I feel so bad for you as I am in the same boat !
good luck
well in my case, since I am not american (lived here for ever but) my ex used that to say I would take our kid to foreign country (not arabic, but I am from europe)
anyway, she pushed for supervised visitation that FINALY we got the court to order an evaluation and came back as a "this is all stupid" so to me this was a good experience as it did put an end to my all mess
my order says that mediation has to be used but she keep going back to court.
how do you make her go thru mediation?
how can you push for that?
Minnesota State Forum / RE: WE WON!!!!!!!
Jan 09, 2004, 11:09:08 AM
what county is she in ?
I guess same question here, I guess I asked the police for charges many time she agressed me, the police says there is a kid, go back to court blablabla and does nothing, what's the procedure ?
Minnesota State Forum / for personal info
Jan 05, 2004, 05:08:57 AM
How do you file a one count of contempt?

my divorce is finaly final and she is violating it all over but attorney want it to rest says do the best of it and I disagree and cost are high so
I want to try contempt pro-se

how do you start a one count of contempt? can't you do more than one at once ?
how did you figure that she filed for welfare ?