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Messages - spinner

Minnesota State Forum / RE: Hey, Spinner....
Dec 23, 2003, 09:13:58 AM
Hey there,

Here are some news.

I didn't wrote since most is status quo.
The restraining order with ex mother in law got denied. It was a long shot and she played the poor girl but at least the judge told her she had no busyness in her daughter and I divorce.

The motion to Amend from my ex got pushed away till March, lawyer not there, judge gone, .....

What a joke but at least time is on my side this time.

Thanks everyone for asking
WOW this is really good for you, I am glad.

I am interested to know how bad it was at first and how it went or manage to go from this to shared physical custody?
I can't see my ex ever wanting to agree on changing the custody so I am interested to know how you did it
Minnesota State Forum / RE: Evidentiary Hearing
Dec 09, 2003, 01:08:02 PM
this is good, I didn't had this type of earing but you are on the right way, hope someone else knows better than me
Minnesota State Forum / RE: Evidentiary Hearing
Dec 09, 2003, 11:06:42 AM
if there are proof that their house isn't fit, call the child abuse line, if there is police report same thing.

It's PREATY hard as even if there is proof, often judges don't want to change the status quo
she did while my son was in my arms.

Thanks for the info, I'll live and see :)
Ok so I have a court date to try to get my restraining order.

I have a witness, my GF/ house mate, how does it go? what do I have to do that day at court ?
is it like trial, I have to call witness (my GF) ask her question and then make my statement?
Minnesota State Forum / Update
Dec 08, 2003, 11:57:05 AM
turns out it's preaty easy to file for harasment restraining order.
went to the county family court and filed.
245$ GLOUPS but well spent
the emergency order was denied but a court date was set

takes from 2 to 3 hours though

The other thing to know is that some county won't do it the same day and give you an appointment for the next day
Minnesota State Forum / heheh thanks
Dec 08, 2003, 11:54:51 AM
Minnesota State Forum / pbfh?
Dec 07, 2003, 12:54:56 PM
pbfh ?
ok, yes I hope he shut's her up for  good.
earing is in 2 weeks