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Messages - richiejay

While the GAL visits, the best thing you can do is be yourself.  Relax (as much as posssible).  Don't try to over-impress, but make it clear that you know what you are doing and that you love your child.  If they are there when the child is there then interact as much as possible.  Again, don't over-do it.  It seems as though your whole life depends on this brief interaction so make the best of it.  I wish you well.

P.S.  As big an undertaking as it may seem..childproof it may speak volumes for you.
General Issues / RE: total crap
Mar 07, 2004, 02:12:21 AM
>Penis.  That is just SO intelligent.
>You're a product of modern education and broken families.  You
>have my get over it and grow up.  

I can't get over the fact that your lack of education is so evident and makes you just one sheep of the millions.  Maybe you should just start thinking on your own.......
>One more thing...don't ask us grown ups to provide facts, then
>ignore the evidence in front of your eyes.

Whatever have so many posts but so little to say...provide facts that are relevant and whole, not some self-serving diatribe about blaming Bill Clinton for your lot in life.
General Issues / RE: I love it!
Mar 07, 2004, 02:07:44 AM
>Well gee RICHIE,, if you didnt want us to address you as
>RICHIE,, why did you choose the handle?

It's not the handle, Mr. Perfect, it's your condescending use of it
>As far as your derogatory term for me,, nowhere do I see in my
>profile nor posts using the term penis as you have for me.

It's called humor, Tough Guy...and though it isn't written....I somehow see it in your posts.
>I'll take it as a compliment that you feel the need to try to
>insult me.
>Quite frankly, it doesnt take anyone with more than average
>intellect and education to see the lack of ability and
>charactor you have already displayed. But Im glad you think I
>have superior mental abilities to you.

So you decide to be frank, now?  I was beginning to wonder when you would start doing that.  
>I have absolutely no trouble believing you are a "civil
>servant". So how long have you been sucking off the public tit
>RITCHIE? It explains why you wouldnt like to see air traffic
>control in the public sector.

My work as a civil servant is VOLUNTEER, moron.  And the reason I don't want to see air traffic go to the public sector has to do with safety.  Yes, even safety for guys like you.
>As far as facts RITCJIE,, StPaulie was the one that tossed
>those out for your reading pleasure,, to which,, you responded
>with insults.

She tossed out "facts" about Bill Clinton that put all responsibilities on him and none on Bush.  The insults came later.>
>Cya fool.
>Oh,, btw RITCHIE,, try getting a real job,, you know,, one
>where you actually have to worry about your performance for
>your raises. As in....private sector?

Again, jump to conclusions. You haven't got a clue as to what I do (my friends are the controllers), but your narrow mindeness seems to serve you oh so well.  
General Issues / RE: I love it!
Mar 06, 2004, 03:35:23 PM
>I knew it.

By your responses you know everything.  Wonder why you're on this site if you know so much.  Bet you have the same responses toward your ex.
>No way in hell you have ever done a damn thing for your
>country,, in fact,, you sound french now Richie.
 Now I could get into details, but frankly Mr Penis you are completely wrong.  Not only have I fought for my country, I continue to be a civil servant for this government.  What response to the fact that you are COMPLETELY wrong do you have to that?
>Is this how you handle issues you know you have absolutely
>zero knowledge on Richie?? You resort to name calling? Dont
>care for people who DO have a bit of charactor to show others
>yours is seriously lacking eh?

The name calling started with you..and the Richie bit every other line.  As far as what you call character..maybe if you showed some I might have some respect for what you say.  But you are a know-it-all, you jump to conclusions and formulate opinions based on a narrow minded view.
>You see folks,, the standard answer for someone suffering from
>cranialrectal inversion like this liberal popinjay is to tell
>you that either A,, your ignorance is overwhleming( a standard
>answer when they have absolutely no intention of pulling their
>head out),, or B,,,, they resort to flat namecalling.

 I never claimed I was liberal, just didn't like Bush.  There is a difference.  I could email you the definitions if you like.
>When their pie in the sky liberal views are shot down by
>people grounded in reality that throw facts at em,, they
>simply cannot stand it.

Oh, are so right again.  I can't stand it.  I'm so afraid of you..and those "facts" that you throw at me...
>But,, thats ok,, its his RIGHT in this country to be a self
>deluded fool,

You shouldn't be THAT hard on yourself penis

, just as its my duty to protect his right to be
>one. God help him if me and others like me arent vigilant in
>protecting his right.
General Issues / RE: I love it!
Mar 05, 2004, 07:30:11 PM
Blah, Blah, blah PenisDad
SPG your ignorance is just overwhelming...
Nice to know that you think our current president has ZERO responsibility in things that happen in our nation.  And, no I didn't ask for proof about anything to do with Clinton.  I merely stated that George W. was using the response to 9/11 as a campaign ploy and I was disgusted by that.  
On a different note..if you start a new job, and the previous person in your position hands you a bag of shit, does that make him culpable of the performance, or you?
General Issues / RE: I love it!
Mar 05, 2004, 10:43:40 AM
while the past may be relevant..if your husband said he had an affair on you because "my ex wife was such a jerk"....he is using that as an excuse..I was not saying it wasn't important (the past)...but with relevance to current job performance it's apples and oranges.
I love people like you...blame someone else for what happened...don't take any responsible.  "Hey, it wasn't MY fault.  The guy before me screwed up".  Oh, yeah..that goes real far.  As far as air traffic control...maybe you don't care.... but you might when you are on one of the planes that crashes.  Yes, I'm complaining when he wants to privatize a vital government-inherent job but then spend millions on the TSA.  That makes sense.  Get rid of the ones that have a bottom line of safety.  Bringing up Reagan "firing their asses" makes sense too.  Because that, of course, is relevant in this discussion.  NOT!!  Do you have the knowledge to back that up?  I think not.  My message was about George W and his moronic, inept presidency and you come back with Bill Clinton stuff.  That makes sense.  Sounds like you need to let go of the past....
General Issues / RE: No kidding..........
Mar 04, 2004, 06:53:09 PM
" He has a lot of good points going for him" ?????
 I don't see it beyond the dozen or so he doesn't have going for him.  The new 9/11 ads pushed me over the edge on this guy.  He is using the fear of the American people for his political gain.  "Look how I responded after the 9/11 attacks"..  It happened on YOUR watch moron!!! Then he blames the Iraq "misinformation" on intelligence reports.  Well, why aren't these guys getting fired.  They gave bad information right? Enough bad information where HUNDREDS of kids are getting killed.  Frankly, I don't buy it.  I think he is lying about all of it.  
 Oh, did you know he is trying to privatize air traffic control, too?  The people that screen your luggage are now federal workers, but those darn air traffic controllers (who unprecedently landed EVERY airplane on 9/11 in under 2 hours....and worked the northest blackout without so much as a hiccup)...they don't deserve to be under the federal umbrella any longer. Do you want your airplane in the hands of a private business as opposed to the federal government?  Throw in that he has spent more money than any president EVER..that the deficit will be larger than any other time in History, that nearly every other country in the world now views us as arrogant militants.  And that's only what he has done in the past three years.  If he's elected again, maybe he can continue to add to the list....