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Messages - richiejay

General Issues / RE: No kidding..........
Mar 03, 2004, 07:47:53 AM
I ALWAYS find it be the lesser of two evils....
once upon a time there was an engineer, Choo-Choo Charlie was his name we hear.  He had an engine and he sure had fun, he used Good and Plenty candy to make his train run.....
Ah, the pompous moron speaks again........and again....and again....Are you so insecure in your life that you feel as though you MUST be right about everything?  That you must have the last word?  Seems as though you are too busy trying to seem intelligent when all you are doing is missing the big picture.  I know I am not alone when I offer this simple and brief advice....SHUT THE &@#$ UP! Have a nice day.
General Issues / RE: Be quiet, you pompus fool.
Jan 07, 2004, 08:49:16 PM
Thank you Brent...that was refreshing....6 months!  LMAO!
General Issues /'re so wicked smaht!
Jan 07, 2004, 08:32:04 PM
Charlie baby,

  I have found a mission in my life.  I wanna be just like you! Imagine, spending countless hours on discussion boards (thesaurus in hand) trying hopelessly to prove that I am smaht (sorry, Boston accent).  I could use words like diatribe, fallacies, and other latin words that no one really cares about.  On top of that I could use flawed logic simply to win an argument!  Imagine (oops, used that one twice) the glory and fame bestowed upon me by..well, I'll think of someone who will appreciate it.  And, oh, the condescending demeanor I could use to prove my smahtness even further..after all, discussions boards about the "legal aspects of cloning" are much more rewarding than offering real people help with real problems. I wanna be a counselor just like you! Thanks, Charlie baby for leading me in the right direction.  I don't know what I would have done without you. Where should I send the money?

P.S.  Could you send me a quote that I could use of ANOTHER ficticious character?

  Not only are you pompous, but you're still a moron.  Have a nice day.

  Amazing that you have the same IP address! What a coincidence!  On that note ....when I read the original post from nerd, I thought, well, everyone is entitled to their opinion.  But now when it is "backed up" by "someone else" with the same views it has infuriated me.  My experience on these boards, while limited, has been pretty positive.  But the one thing, above all others, that I enjoy is the candor of the folks who post here.  Right or wrong, it comes from the heart and it is honest.  Having the same IP address or using another name to express the same views is not honest, it is deceitful.  Sounds like a lot of ex-spouses on this board.  It sounds like Nerd stated an opinion, didn't like the response, so set up "another" opinion to back up the first one.  If you don't like it..GET OFF! Leave....Don't force your opinions on us.  Stating them is one thing, heck, it's the American way.  But deceit and lying is something we all deal with on a day to day basis which is why some of us are here! Don't sabotage the forum with the same crimes we try to escape from....
Second Families / Congrats.....
May 16, 2004, 09:02:10 AM
Enjoy your time together and don't let PBFH wear on your happiness....
Second Families / RE: I agree, dsm..............
May 03, 2004, 08:28:17 PM
>I have hated that term since I first heard it. Deadbeat
>Unfortunately, thats exactly what my ex is.

Take comfort that, in the long run, they look like the moron and you look like a saint.
Second Families / RE: Poll, sort of....
May 01, 2004, 08:05:50 AM
Starting as the non-custodial and going to the custodial parent I did not ask for support but some was granted to me (less than what I paid to her when I had him half the time and he was 3 years old)...But if I was in the situation where I had to ask for way, it's not worth it, I only wanted to spend time with my child......