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Messages - CuriousMom

Got it
Kitty - but if this is questionable and up for interpretation, can she really be fined for contempt?  If it isn't explicity stated in the order, how can you?   I know if it's been being followed, have it modified to follow what has been taking place but until then -

Just asking - was confused by that
bry_shark - I can share what our judge rules (my son was about 3 1/2 months before a hearing was even held, now 10 months).  And that was he doesn't award 50/50 physical custody until they are at least 2+ years.   But I've heard other judges in my area award differently, all depends on who has your case.

Hopefully you can work it out between you and your wife and avoid the system.
Custody Issues / Re: Will it stop?
Oct 08, 2009, 01:22:43 PM
As rjmurdock stated in a post above, father's approach wasn't very tactful and demanding from the beginning.  I think anyone given that ultimatum would be defensive at first. 

I think depending on the relationship between child and step-mom, there should be some sort of contact while father is away to keep some normalcy in the child's life.  I can't say I agree with step-mom stepping in taking over dad's full CO schedule, but I guess that would depend on the relationship between every one.  I realize that some step-parents do play a vital role in the step-child(s) life, but until the law recognizes them as such, they do get shut out.
Mine reads very similar to gemini's regading holidays that fall immediately before or after a weekend visitiation.  NCP gets the over night into the holiday.

Wording is very awkward - I read it as you don't get Columbus day if it falls during your normal weekend.
Father's Issues / Re: Father seeking Custody
Oct 05, 2009, 06:44:30 AM
My son was 3 1/2 months when everything started.  He was of course awarded joint legal but they had him on a step-up plan for about 3 months before the visitation in the temp. order was met and established.  Father was demanding 50/50 but they only awarded him partial.

Here is what we had ordered at his age: 

Week 1 & 2 - 2 hour visit on tues/thurs. 
Week 3 & 4 - 4 hours on tues/thurs.
Week 5 & 6 - 6 hours on tues/thurs
Week 7 & 8 - 8 hours on tues/thurs

The 9th week it went to normal tues/thurs hours from 4-7 pm and then he had one overnight visit for 4 weeks (Fri/Sat).  The 5th week of this schedule he still had his weekly visitation and then the weekends went to a regular alternating weekend schedule (Fri-Sun).

Father's Issues / Re: FERPA
Oct 02, 2009, 02:28:00 PM
Not sure if all physician's follow this rule of thumb, but when I added my son's father to his medical file I had to sign a HIPAA form, too.  They wouldn't just let me verbally add the information, regardless of the CO.  I have no idea which would supercede, if it truly got that far.
Hit the nail on the head MomofTwo.....or at least that's how I feel about it
Visitation Issues / Re: Going back to court?
Sep 29, 2009, 06:19:57 PM
I'm in PA.  I would like to settle prior to an actual trial but I guess we'll see what happens.  So far anything has been ruled while we sit there.  I'll keep you posted, thanks for the information on your experiences.
General Issues / Re: divorce and pregancy
Sep 29, 2009, 06:16:32 PM
LoL - yep!  Hooked me up to the monitors and started an IV, and about 5 minutes later handed me a folder and said they only needed the 3 white forms back - one being the birth cert.

Glad I could bring back some great memories for you .  I would love that job with all those little babies around!