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Messages - CuriousMom

General Issues / Re: divorce and pregancy
Sep 29, 2009, 12:38:48 PM
I'm in PA and I just had to do the forms in December when my son was born.  When I was in the labor room the nurse just handed me a folder with forms in and told me to fill it out.  They didn't stop back for it until I was in maternity a day later.  She glanced over the birth certificate form and walked out.  Guess they were pretty lax about it compared to other states. 
I agree with Kitty and Giggles - she moved, she can travel the extra distance.  My CO is worded as Kitty said for weekends.  I have to pick-up on Sunday's at dad's house.

Judge's do not take to kindly to the petty stuff.
Father's Issues / Re: FERPA
Sep 29, 2009, 06:14:32 AM
I think that's a good statement, then each parent is held responsible for the most part.  Going to write that down :-)
Father's Issues / Re: FERPA
Sep 28, 2009, 06:52:16 PM
ocean - I have a question or any of the teachers actually. 

Does your school have a website that is accessible by teacher/classroom?  I was being nosey and curious .  I know each childs grades are accessible for the parents but if there were a classroom/teacher website - could these assignments be posted there and then both parents can see them?  It is then the parents responsiblity to communicate with each other and make sure the child is getting them done and understand them.  And it would give the opposite parent insight on what assignments are out there and can ask specifics.  No additional copies / paperwork - just a quick upload to a site.

I'm in IT - so we have Sharepoint sites for everything.  Thought it might be an idea for the schools.  My son isn't in school yet so I'm not sure what is in a Friday folder yet.

General Issues / Re: divorce and pregancy
Sep 28, 2009, 06:42:10 PM
When you fill out the form for the birth certificate in the hospital you select the entire name of your child.  Last name designated is up to you.
Totally agree on the receiver being held accountable for using the money appropriately.  Children shouldn't be someone else's paycheck.
Giggles it is totally flawed!  As in your case exactly, BM is financially greedy and is yet another parent who makes others look bad and pay the consequences.

I have to disagree however on the immediate awarding of 50/50.... and I know I'll catch all kinds of flack for that statement - but just from my personal experience over the past 6 months that would have been the absolute worst thing for my son.  Not saying down the road it would be terrible. 

My son's father has left him sit during his weekend with a double-ear infection numerous times, has neglected to feed him for 8+ hours .... and this was at age 3 1/2 months to present.  Sometimes I think these cases have to be examined a little more.

Visitation Issues / Re: Going back to court?
Sep 28, 2009, 12:01:09 PM
I'm in an extremely similiar situation - it's all about the money, and it's not me being all about the money it's him.  I've only ever asked to pay what he was suppose to according DR medical policy - he wanted to put $98 in arrears but he has enough money to take me back to court every other month.  Go figure.

How was court?  We have a trial scheduled for the end of October and I'm not sure what to expect.  I've been through several pre-trial conferences and I think the judge is finally sick of his request  and said fine, he'll give him a trial.

That is way too long for your son not to see him.  For your son's sake he should try to maintain more contact than that.  It's sad for the child.
I would think if this father wanted 50/50, he would be filing for that arrangement, fighting for more time with his child.  I didn't hear that in the original post or subsequent posts from this person.  It was all about the money for the father, whether he could pay or not. 

There are always 2 sides to every story - that includes everyone in this site.  All we hear is the side being posted and how awful the other parent is etc.  I personally think instead of those parents taking out what they feel is unjust of the system on the other parent, focus their frustration and advocate to those who run the family courts/CS.  Obviously with all of us in here, we're not alone.

I still feel it's not right to neglect your child support, but let someone be denied visitation it's a huge ordeal.  Both parents have been ordered to follow a standard, who is either parent to alter these standards on their own?  This type of parent is the one who ruins it for everyone - impacting those who as Davy said pay their child support, or at least make the attempt in good faith, and want to be involved. 
This father knows exactly what he's doing and as long as he's allowed to keep skirting the system he's going to.  I think if the arrest does happen it should not be anywhere around the presence of the child and with an outstanding warrant, he does stand the chance of getting caught while with his daughter.  Mom is owning up to her responsibilities of being a parent by making sure her daughter is cared for without the financial support of father - during these struggling economic times.  Why should father be allowed not to support his daughter financially and not own up to his responsibilities.  Father should swallow his pride, file for a modification if he can't find employment and own up to his responsibilites.

I'm dealing with my son's father who tries to push the limits of everything too while I do everything financially.  I don't complain, I don't deny visitation - but it's unfair and after while, hard to paste a smile on your face and pretend everything is great.