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Messages - TPK

Dear Socrateaser / RE: What happened to soc???
Apr 26, 2007, 08:38:07 AM
He up and vanished like a fart in the wind. At least that's what the forum members were told.

Without the members knowing, someone started filling in and was acting as SOC. When the "soc wannabe" hinted he needed to be paid for his services here, he got flamed real good and rightfully so.

Sparc has given no updates since then, and as obvious by fellow forum members now giving legal advice here on Soc's board, no replacement has been found.

He will be missed for sure.
Dear Socrateaser / RE: No charges ever
Mar 09, 2007, 09:01:13 AM
Sparc has had no contact with Soc either verbal or written in the last 3 months??
Dear Socrateaser / RE: No charges ever
Mar 09, 2007, 08:55:45 AM
I actually did have time to read the thread. I tried posting to it myself and it was gone.

Was Soc still a practicing attorney while contributing here?
Dear Socrateaser / RE: Fascinating
Mar 09, 2007, 08:49:28 AM
How could Soc have just deserted the site as has been alledged??

Something sounds a bit fishy here.

Soc "seemed" like a straight shooter, it's hard to believe he just blew Sparc off and rode into the sunset.

If he died then tell us, don't dance around it.

Either he died or has some sort of legal trouble connected with this site.

Hard to believe he'd let someone else use his moniker and his sig line.

As for paying to use this site, I'll never do it. It costs us people money just to call our attorneys for the smallest issue. Coming here to post a quick question and get an answer for FREE is invaluable service.

It's too bad we never learned more about Soc. It would be nice to know his history, credentials and why he was here giving free advice on family law. From his posts it seems he was once in the same position as many of us are here with family law problems.

Bye Soc, you've been an outstanding contributor here and will never be forgotten.
Dear Socrateaser / Medical Reimbursment
Sep 12, 2006, 09:49:04 AM
Hi Soc,

I finally received my judgement of divorce after a 10 month wait.

I am NCP. Child resides with my EX in NY, I reside in PA, NY has jurisdiction (NY state)

Judgement states "defendant (me) shall further pay 75% of all statutory add-on expenses, including but not limited to unreimbursed medical expenses and child care expenses within 15 days of presentation of a bill or receipt by plaintiff"

This clearly outlines my 75% obligation which I understand fully.

Child is covered under a NY State health care program. I currently have no insurance on myself (long story) or my child.

About 2 months ago I requested in writing to my EX that she should supply me with health insurance info to determine if coverage would extend to PA if only for emergency situations.

At first she said she'd look into it, but never did. Many gentle reminders about this failed to get any results.


1. If an emergency situation does happen (when I have parenting time), and I get a bill for say $ my EX responsible for 25%???

The judgement doesn't directly address this, it only states that I would owe 75% and EX would have to cover the 25% balance.


Dear Socrateaser / Judgement Not Entered
Jul 20, 2006, 09:06:33 AM

Divorce settlement in court Oct 2005. Parties stipulate and sign. OC was to submit the order to the court.

OC didn't submit til March 2006. I prodded my attorney to submit one and he finally did.....then OC submitted one as well.

I have tried with no results to find out why this judgment was not entered yet. My attorney just says " I don't know why".

I would like this judgement entered before it has it's 1 year birthday.

1. I was mulling over calling the Judge's law secratary.....good or bad idea??

2. Will they just waive me off because I called and not my attorney??

3. Any other suggestions??


Dear Socrateaser / RE: Summer Vacation Saga
Jun 19, 2006, 08:04:06 AM
>>1. What kind of trouble can she cause if I tell her that
>>will be with me for a week when I pick her up for the 1st
>>summer week?
>If you mean that you didn't provide 30 days notice, then the
>other parent can refuse to transfer the child.
>Otherwise, if you provided 30 days notice as required, then
>you can't be found in contempt.
>You're facts are confusing.

I did provide notice within 30 days by mail.

>>4. What should I do if she contacts the police when child
>>isn't returned?
>If the stipulated order isn't entered, then you are stuck with
>whatever orders are currently in force. If you are not
>following them, then the police can take the child from you,
>and you will be in contempt.

There is no "current order" in place as to the summer vacation, only what was verbally agreed to in court in Oct 2005. Both parties signed the agreement in Oct 2005 and I'm still waiting for the order to be signed by the judge.

>However, if you're in a different state than your ex, a
>temporary order will be nearly impossible to enforce, because
>it cannot be registered in the other state jurisdiction.
>Nevertheless, my advice is to have your attorney move for a
>hearing to have the judgment entered now.

I am in another state. I'm in PA, ex is in NY.

1. If no order is in place, am I correct to assume that she would have nothing to show police/sheriff that could have them take action and have child returned??

2. Should Phil Mickelson have hit a long iron off the tee on the 18th yesterday instead of using driver and hitting the hospitality tent??


Dear Socrateaser / Summer Vacation Saga
Jun 19, 2006, 06:01:02 AM
Hi Soc,

A little background first.

Divorce settlement in court Oct 2005. Order was to be submitted by OC. OC did not submit one til March 2006. While waiting for OC to submit, my attorney submitted one. Turns out, OC submitted same week as my attorney. Judge has 2 to pick from, still no signed orders as of today.

Summer vacation

I have 3 weeks summer vacation with child as agreed upon in court Oct 2005.

My attorney told me that standard EOW was suspended during summer months. He said that it was normally suspended as I could craft my summer schedule to get child almost every weekend which wouldn't be fair to CP.

I submitted to my Ex in March the 3 weeks I wanted. I stated in a letter that I was told EOW was suspended.

She wrote back altering the weekends a little, and insisted some of the weeks I picked would fall during her weekend times. In her letter she also insisted we do this thru counsel which I thought was unneeded and so did my attorney.

A month ago I resubmitted my summer weeks to fall on my EOW schedule. I tried to hand Ex the letter at a dropoff point for visitation but she wouldn't take it and told me to contact her attorney.

I then mailed that letter to her with a CS payment. I photcopied the letter and CS check together to ensure she couldn't say she didn't get it.

My first summer week will be July 7th-14th. It's approaching quickly.

The agreement in court was that I had to give 30 days notice which I did.

1. What kind of trouble can she cause if I tell her that child will be with me for a week when I pick her up for the 1st summer week?

2. Can she deny the week?

3. Being that no order is signed yet by judge how should I go about taking child for the 1st week? to enforce??

4. What should I do if she contacts the police when child isn't returned?

This is all precautionary right now, but I can sense trouble coming.



>IMHO - the CP does not have court ordered time with the child.
>The CP has the child all the time except when with me.

I feel the same way. The Summer weeks are for me and not her, she has her all the time anyway.

>You will most likely go to court on this and other issues over
>and over - Soc is right. I am living proof of this. Sad but

No doubt. The only way I can get what I want is to go to court.


1. Is it possible for a parent to lose custody for repeatedly not cooperating with the NCP??...or repeated contempts??

I would have to think a Judge has his/her breaking point and finally says "enough"!



Finally got the divorce decree to be submitted. I think it's too vague and that we'll end up in court yet again.

I was ordered to submit my 3 weeks of Summer vacation to ex-wife by March 06. I submitted it to her well before that.

Before I submitted it, I had asked my attorney if I could schedule my Summer vacation with daughter so that I could try to have her almost every weekend (combined with EOW regular schedule)

My attorney told me that regular visitation (EOW Fri-Mon) is normally suspended during the summer months. He assured me that this is very common and goes without saying.

Knowing that it is suspended, I submitted my weeks.

Few days ago i get a letter from ex-wife changing the weeks. She changed them because she figured X and X days fell during "her" weekend. She also denied me 1 week altogether saying "you can have the last week sometime later in the year"

The divorce decree does not address this at all.

1. Is it standard for EOW visitation to be suspended during summer??

My ex and I still don't speak to each other so nothing will be accomplished by trying to talk to her about it.

2. Is heading back to court the only way to take care of this??

I want to straightened out well before the summer vacation starts.

I did write her a letter informing her that EOW is suspended during summer. I told her that the original weeks I submitted will stand, and that if she did not respond to me that her silence will be understood as agreement to this.

3. Any other suggestions??
