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Messages - keger


I am trying to find support to Appeal a Court decision granting Custody to an individual who violated US Immigration Laws for more than a decade and committed numerous violations of our Laws. This Case is in Santa Clara County, CA. (San Jose, CA).

This individual committed the following violations:
"Marriage" Fraud
Immigration Fraud  -  13 years
Social Security number Usage Fraud
Welfare fraud
Tax Evasion
Contempt of Court – 12 counts
Drug Trafficking
*** County Employee Evaluator committed perjury and Discrimination ***

This what I could prove and the Courts ignored it because we have an
Anchor Baby who is 2.5 years old.

I need to hire a Pro Bono or reduced fee Appellant Lawyer with very strong credibility in Northern CA. I may want to take the case public!

There is a new CA. FAMC the Court used, which is 3044. However, I don't think it's applicable.  There are many violations of the Constitution, CA. Codes and Rules as well.

I don't have a Lawyer.  

Please Help!!!


I am trying to gain Custody of a 21 month old daughter who lives in Santa Clara County, CA. with her Out-of-Status Illegal Immigrant mother.

 I am only being given two, two-hour parenting time opportunities each week that are Supervised for the past year. The service providers have been helping the mother circumvent the Court Order and are very bias.

The Mother is trying to use Title 5 of the VAWA to get her Citizenship because she was convicted for stealing the USA. She needed the 5th degree assault conviction, which occurred in MN.

I was convicted of 5th degree assault (Intent to cause fear/ bodily harm) against the mother in Nov. 2003. The Court found no further acts have been committed, since then. However, since then the Court has been very bias against me. The female judge wrote the Protocol for Law Enforcement in Domestic Violence 911 calls for the County in 2002. The Judge has ignored several laws, some ambiguous, some blatant. I also believe she is from England.

I have completed 46 of 52 weeks of Domestic Violence Training, which will complete the Rebuttable Presumption requirements.

I think it would be best to file a Motion for a Rebuttable Presumption Hearing as soon as I complete the 52 weeks required, even though the mother was the aggressor in 9 incidents of domestic violence (DV), yet, of course nobody believes me. Normally, if both are the aggressors, then it is null and void. According to CA. law, only the Probation Dept. is allowed to require a 52 week DV course.

The mother's female attorneys are very in my face unethical. Allowing perjury, contempt and fraud.

I can make a compelling case of  Drug Trafficking, Extortion, Fraud, Perjury and Contempt of Court against the mother,  but the Court refuses to allow me the time to make my case.

The Court Mediator/ Evaluator is a very bias female. She is intentionally delaying the case, which skews the Primary Care Provider Ratio, A key factor in the Custody determination.

I also believe there is a 14th Amendment (Due Process and Equal Protection Clause) violation against me and my daughter.

I live in Minnesota, where the Jurisdiction should be. The mother has no Significant Connection to Santa Clara County and is not a Resident. It is also an Inconvenient Forum for me.

I need some pro bono help with this case!!!

[email protected]