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Messages - louiii3medina

Custody Issues / Concerned for welfare of son
Nov 20, 2005, 12:52:10 PM
Recently I have heard disturbing news about my son. My son and daughter live with their mother the custodial parent. She lives with a boyfriend whom she has another child from, they have been living with him solidly for a year now. I'am concerned about intimidation from the boyfriend towards my son. I have recently acquired an attorney's expertise to reopen a court order for modification of child custody.

I'am worried that the boyfriend is trying to play father with my son and is telling him that he is all they have to count on. I'am very upset but do not want to disrupt the legal system in anyway. But I feel the tables are turned against me. I need to know if this is child endangerment/abuse,and where can I receive help?