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Messages - MomX5

General Issues / RE: Parental Alienation Syndrome
Dec 03, 2005, 07:30:39 AM
The skids do live with us. These things happened before they moved in with us. The shopping trip happened while SD was living with us. True mom may have wanted to get ideas from her daughter, but not likely. I have been dealing with this lady for 2 years she is nuts. The last visitation SD had with her mom, ended up SD getting chocked. SD ran to neighbors house trying to get away from mom, but mom chased her down and dragged her back from the neighbors yard buy her hair and shirt. Once in the house mom continued to slap daughter in the face and ended up on top of her with her hands around her neck chocking her. If mom's son would not have been home at the time there is no telling what would have happened. He pulled his mom off his sister.

The reason DM took SS car away is because she seen DH's son driving it one day. She told SS that she didnt want anyone driving the car expecially him. Then she  tricked SS into thinking she was going to get the car registered.

BM is so negative. When she calls here to talk to my SD it always ends up in a shouting match and SD always gets so upset. It ruins her entire day. Last time BM talked to SD, BM told her that it was SD fault that she tried to commit suicide. SD held this in for a couple of weeks and didnt tell anyone. Finally when it did come out, SD just broke down crying and all upset.

I just want to protect the kids from this. Is there anything we can do?
General Issues / Parental Alienation Syndrome
Dec 01, 2005, 03:06:14 PM
I have read and read articles on PAS, but the problems we have are different. I am the stepmom of 2 teenagers. Their mother continues to do hateful things to alienate them from her. I dont understand her reasoning. For example she wanted to take her daughter shopping for her 15th birthday. That was fine, she took her shopping. The entire 2 hours they were together mom shopped for herself and bought nothing for the daughter. When leaving the mall, the daughter asked her mom where they were going replied you are calling your stepmom to come get you because I have a date. Another example would bought a car for her son...the deal was for him to pay her back and he did. Once he paid her back she wrote up a bill of sale and signed the title over to him for his 18th birthday. A week later he hadnt had time to have the car registered so being the loving mother she is, she offered to have it registered for him. He gave her the bill of sale and also the title. While he was at work, she had the car towed to her house and called him and told him that it was her car and there were no bill of sale and no title. What kind of mother would do that to her kids??? She is not spiteful and mean to her ex it is the kids she is taking it out on. This is only a couple of examples most of them are worse than these. What can you do to protect the kids from this? Why would she be doing this to the kids? Is there a name for this sickness??
Please advise.