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Messages - phoenixdad

Hi my name is Steve,

I have a son named Ryan that is out in California.I am in Phoenix. He is  a wonderful, bright boy who loves skateboarding and soccer. My ex wife and I adopted him from birth from his biological mother. We all lived together two years until my ex and I decided to get divorced. Her father had a friend who was willing to draw up the divorce papers and do it at no charge. I had been going through a bit of depression at the time and was all too happy to sign the papers. I did not have a lawyer of my own go over the papers and signed them. In doing so I gave her full custody of Ryan with reasonable visitation, all of our assets except a car.

Since our divorce I have not been able to see my son without supervision, I put up with this when he was younger but now he is 6 and a half years old. I live in phoenix with my fiancee and our son and have a career working at a cadillac dealership. I have asked several times to take Ryan out on a day trip , just the two of us, but she said that her lawyer told me it was unsafe and could not give any specific examples why. She also states that he has "special needs" and thats why I can not see him. He has seen a psychiatrist for learning disabilities but that is it.
I hired a lawyer to help me, for a 1500 dollar retainer. He wrote two letters to her lawyer and told me he needed 1500 more dollars to continue. I cant afford that kind of money , so I decided to take on the case myself.

Now that I told you just a small bit of my story I have a few questions:

1) What does reasonable visitation entitle me to in regards to visitation with my son?

2)is there any resource area I can use to get my case started?

3)is there any way to revisit the original divorce decree?

I am committed to doing what is best for Ryan, and I feel he needs a strong relationship with his father.

Thank you in advance for your help,

Steve Connors