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Messages - lizziesmom

hey there I know how evil and vindictive an ex can be, believe me I do my husband's ex and her mother did alot of crap to us.
But there may be someone who can help you.
He used to advise me alot and I found him on a web site about custody evaluation. Now, the site has a new name and it is now a forum so I will give you the NEW site which is
the OLD site was called you might want to go to that site first and read some posts by a man named RICK. He's on there alot, and the site is LONG so just look at the posters' names and you will find him. He was falsely accused by a very evil ex and went through alot.
He is excellent at giving advice and helping dads with their cases against vindictive ex wives.
You can get to the old site without having to register but the new site requires you to register and there was a problem with my email so they couldn't send me the password I need to go on it but I'm sure Rick is on there somewhere.
I know he can give you alot of helpful advice.
Check it out, evalisto, he'll be able to help you.


I know exactly what you are going through.
To be accused of something you did not do and now you could end up in jail over it is terrible.
A vindictive ex can ruin your life. My husband's ex wife and her mother ruined his/ours.
All over a custody battle. And all the evidence to show his innocence was going to be "supressed" if we went to trial. The main piece of evidence was the fact of his ex coming into my work and TELLING me in front of witnesses that her mother was brainwashing the kids on a daily basis to say what they were saying. The kids were 3 and 4 at the time. I even had the surveillience video tape SHOWING her in the bar (I am a bartender) talking to me in front of the witnesses. And it was all considered HEARSAY. A FULL CONFESSION AND IT WOULD NEVER REACH A JURY'S EARS.
Its wrong and unfair.
And I have no faith at all in the justice system.
I hope all goes okay for you.

Thank you all for your replies.
It sounds like you all have been through a nightmare, just like we are still going through.
I wish there was a way to make this more public, to let people know that there are innocent people convicted of hainous crimes against children that they never committed.
There are parents that have been forced into taking plea bargains because they are too scared to trust the justice system that already failed them in the first place.
There are registered sex offenders that are actually innocent. ( I am not saying ALL are innocent, but there are some) I know of a registered sex offender that is 100% innocent.
Its a terrible thing to go through.

How can we make this more public?

Custody Issues / false allegations
Dec 29, 2005, 08:23:26 PM
Hi there everyone I am posting this for some feedback on something that is becoming a very common problem.
False allegations in a custody battle. And I am not just talking about a little slander here, people. I am talking about fathers accused of horrible things that they never did.
Has anyone here gone through somehing like this?
I am mainly talking to the dads, here but I know some moms are accused of this too so feel free to give an opinion.
Some ex's are very evil and will stop at nothing to get the dad out of the children's lives. Its horrible and scary and I know someone who's life was completely ruined because of false allegations.