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Messages - kentuckydad

Custody Issues / I have sole custody but.........
Jan 07, 2006, 08:46:22 AM
I am new here so let me fill you in on my story( i will make it as short as possible)

Almost three yrs ago my then wife came to me and told me she had an affair and told me to leave and we seperated. My wife then refused to let me see my children then pulled my children out of school without my permission and the court granted me 50% custody week on week off and I had the right to choose my childrens education and I enrolled them in school. After a few months my wife tried her best to get me back and when i refused she foud love online and moved a man in. She then started to try and get my children to say I abused them and steal from me and I got proof of thei and had a therapist testify in my favor. I was granted temp sole custody and things were going to go on appeal a circuit judge reversed the decision by the lower court and gave the kids back. Then after getting the kids back my wife got in trouble for truancy and then removed my children from school again and took them to TN without my knowlegde or permission. At that time I took her back to court and the circuit judge gave me back custody with the mother having every weekend. We had a final hearing and with all the evidence I was granted sole custody this time and not temporary by the circuit judge and my X was given visitation but it had to be supervised. During this time my X and her BF made repeated accusations to social services(six times) that I was abusing my children and I was investigated over and over again and found innocent. Then we went for review of the supervised visitation and my X was granted standard visitation even though we showed proof that the alienation had continued.

Now I have to deal with what my X does on a regualr basis to my children unsupervised.