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Messages - stay@homedad

Custody Issues / RE: custody evaluations
Jan 09, 2006, 11:16:32 AM
Thanks for your input &  vote of confidence. This forum along with  La-Legal has proven to be invaluable for me as I am financing my battle. Whereas she has her parents money- not to say I blame her; it is just that I will not ask my parents for money until I just am backed into a financial hole.
I have stood on my own since I was 17 and the Lord wiling? I will continue to do so. I spoke with both Family counselors & our family practitioner today and school counselors. They all agreed to be put on my collateral list to be contacted about myself and the rest of the family. I also have 3-4 memebers of our church that have agreed along with numerous neighbors & the boys friend's parents. And to quote...Romans 8:31 says "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?" Amen ;')
Custody Issues / custody evaluations
Jan 08, 2006, 03:22:52 PM
My now x wife was caught cheating last January. I checked her into the psyche ward and she has never came back home. I filed for divorce & was granted a no fault on 11/15/05 delayed due to hurricane. At the hearing; her lawyer files an appeal for custody. Which I was given domicilary status in 05/05; the court then orders Psyche evaluations. my attorney stated that this is best for us; since she obviously has more to disprove or prove than myself. I have been on disability for 10.5 years & the stay at home dad for the whole time. She cheats, has a nervous breakdown & seems to get away with just about anything within the LA judicial system. What is this evaluation all about if I have already logged over one full year as a parent by myself. My boys are 11/13 years old & have stated they do not wish to live with her. They almost have to be drug over there for visitation much less an extended stay. She has caused much grief; My 13 year old is now on an anti-depressant. Her whole family is in counseling &medication-Father, Motther, brother & sister.
Should I be freaking out? Or is this just another avenue for her attorney to make more$$? She had to have her wages garnished before she paid court ordered child support. 191 out of 255 she had no contact with the boys & she lives 6 blocks away. Can someone put this into perpective for me please?
I have phone logs, e mails and in company instant messaging of her affair but she denied it. Accused me of spousal abuse- motion denied.... her accusations continue- filing false police reports againgst me- no charges have been filed in a month and 1/2. Should I bring all of this documentation with me to the evaluation?