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Messages - Methos

Custody Issues / Changing Custody of Teenager
Jan 11, 2006, 02:45:27 PM
My son, 16 1/2,  wants to come live with me.  His mom wants him to come live with me.  Mom is tired of him and his attitude.  Son lives in Florida, I live in Oregon.

I sent mom change of custody paperwork.  Mom decides she doesn't want to lose all her rights to son.  I sent information on what Joint Custody is.  Mom thinks that we basically have joint custody now and we should make no legal custody changes, but we can legally stop child support (we have another son so it would be a wash) for the time being.  We do not have joint custody. She has sole custody.

At first I was ok with this idea of joint custody or no legal custody change.  The more I thought about it, I wondered what am I not seeing other than Mom being a control freak and at some point telling me to send him home.  

What mistakes will I be making if I go joint custody or no legal custody change?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.