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Messages - snoopi123


Thank you so much for replying to my post. We are 8 hours away from his little girl so visitation is really going to take some work once we are allowed to.
I am going to try to make this as short as possible. His daughter is going to be 5 next month and he has had no contact with her. His ex is in Oh and we are in  IL. He got hosed in the divorce and was not given visitation. I don't want to get into the whole nasty situation as to why he hasn't seen her,  other than his ex is crazy and won't allow it. Everytime we make plans to see her the ex cancels at the last minute. My husband is child of divorced parents who created a horrible living enviroment for him by using him as their pawn and that' s the last thing he wants to do. Thus the reason for no contact. He pays support and has since day one, well she just petitioned the court for a review to get more money. This has made him rethink the situation. We have 2 children since his divorce and we don't have a ton of extra money or money for a great lawyer. Can someone tell us where we can get help to try to get visitation.