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Messages - lmdavi0

Thanks for the advice. Can I ask what kind of "evidence" you collected on him? I would LOVE to have 50/50 custody and not pay child support (although I do make more than she does). So I just go to the courthouse in the county the child support is filed and fill out a motion to go to court? I have been keeping a log, since reading this site, but only have a few entries. Should I keep doing this then file later? I don't know what the judge will look for...
Thanks so much for your help.
This is a wonderful site.
Ever since my ex and I broke up eight years ago, regular visitations have been anything but regular. We have never gone through the courts but I do pay child support. My ex is a horrible person: she allows her personal vendetta to overrule anything to do with what is important here: our daughter; she has had them taken away because of drug charges and I wasn't even notified!; she calls and harrasses me and my new wife whenever she needs a "thrill". She agreed to give me joint custody if I showed her I was a "consistent father," which is BS because the only times I'm not in my daughter's life is when I can't deal with her mother. She won't put my daughter on the phone, claiming she is busy playing outside. So instead she tells me what a horrible father I am and that I don't love my daughter. What is wrong with this woman and how can I get my rights? I have called the family courts here in KY and I have some idea: filling out a petition and hiring a lawyer...
Can I get a restraining order against her so she can't call and harrass us whenever she wants? She's even threatened my wife.
Can I have protective services inspect her house?
And finally, if I am paying child support but have a past balance, can she have me arrested?
I would appreciate any help in resolving this! I just want to see my baby.