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Messages - wehmeyer

Custody Issues / Fatherj's rights
Jan 23, 2006, 04:29:13 PM
My brother has a son who will be one in March.  His ex girlfriend filed a restraining order against him to be vindictive she states in the order that she feared for her safety and their son's safety.  He went to go see his son on christmas day it was a sunday so it was his day to see him they were not home they left.  He is not to conact the house  but that is where his son is and is supose to give a 24 hour notice to visit his son.  He wants to get custody of his son becuase he is in a home where there is on convicted child molester which is her brother and the step father who has a suspision of child molestation.  When they lived here at my house my brother was the one who took care of their son.  He is a good father and she made false alligation about abuse to get the restraining order.  There has been two different times when she has showed abuse toward my brother on of whcih the police were called but she was not taked to jail becuase my brother did not want her to go to jail while she was pregant.  I guess my question is what can he do to try to get custody of the child.  He loves his son and wants to have a relationship with him and missed him very badly.  He has been in his son's life since conception up until she filed this restraing order now he has on seen him one time.   Everytime he tries to see him and they find out about it they leave the property.   What can he do and what are his legal opptions since they live in different states