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Messages - imkickin2

Custody Issues / RE: need new judge
Feb 04, 2006, 04:30:51 AM
i am going to buy the transcripts as soon as i can afford them they are already done. this court reporter says she cant believe the way i have been rail roaded. anyway i will appeal before i do the recuse thing thank you
Custody Issues / RE: need new judge
Feb 02, 2006, 12:03:45 AM
who is davy and how may i contact him? im at a complete loss
Custody Issues / need new judge
Jan 31, 2006, 11:21:17 PM
help judge never read my custody investigation report so i had to call him on my ex' s arrest for crystal meth i was pro per. now he is biased against me. that was the first investigation. now i just lost again this time i had an attorney. the court reporter, my attorney, other lawyers cannot believe what has happenned to me. meth possesion, 10 driving on suspended\speeding tickets, arrests,warrants, and the judge says no more time for me denied a 730 evaluation, and representation for my son who is 5. how can i get a new judge?