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Messages - Blackcandt

Dear Socrateaser / Agreed Order not Signed
Jun 07, 2006, 02:54:48 PM
My ex wife and I had a hearing on May 19th regarding custody of our children. At the time she agreed under oath in front of the comissioner to give me residential custody. We further went over all visitation arrangements under oath and child support issues. Our attorney's were to type up the agreed order and it was agreed that each party would sign the order. I signed the order on May 24th and my exes attorney informed my attorney that the order was sent to my ex-wife on May 26th and still there has been no word from her.

My question is how can we enforce this agreement?
What should our next move be legally?
Dear Socrateaser / RE: prior client question
May 18, 2006, 09:07:52 AM
Not to confuse matters more, but the Respondent and husband have been seperated for 2 months. She had testified to that under oath in her deposition.  Not sure that even matters but I did forget to add it.  Thanks for the advice.
Dear Socrateaser / prior client question
May 17, 2006, 10:22:59 PM
We go to court in a few days for custody. The Respondents husband was at one time my attorney's client. He is not representing him at this time. The Respondent is calling him as their witness.

1. Is our attorney allowed to question him? To what extent?

Dear Socrateaser / Witness List Question
May 14, 2006, 05:08:32 PM
We have a court hearing on May 19th and there was an order entered about mid April for all Witness list and discovery to be turned in by May 9th.  We have turned everything over as asked and even did our depositions. The other side has yet to even give us a witness list. Our attorney asked at the deposition again last Tuesday (May 9th). The other attorney promised we would have it by Thursday. We go to court on Friday and we have no list.

1.Can their witnessed still be allowed to testify?
3. What can we do?
Thank you for your reply. We actually do have an attorney and according to everyone in this small county he is the best.  As you can tell I am  new at all of this. Our hearing is for April 21st. We received a motion from her attorney today that state wanting to delay our court date:

"The Respondent has, this date, mailed to the Petitioner interrogatories, which must be answered prior to any hearing herein in order to be used by the Respondent."

"Finally, Respondent states that the Petitioner is not prejudiced by this motion, because, in so far as custody and visitation the Petitioner is in the same situation as he was prior to this litigation."

1.  How hard is it to get a court date delayed due to these statements?
2.  I assume if we answer his interrogatories then there should be no issue to delay. correct?

My ex-wife and myself share physical custody of our three children. I recently found out of abuse going on in the home in which the children reside with her. I took all three children to a Psychologist and she testified in court for me as well. The judge confirmed the abuse and stated that since she is a district judge the only way that she can hand over custody to me would be if she had evidence that my ex knew about the abuse and let it go on. So she gave my exes custody to her parents until our Circuit Court hearing. So now I share custody with the grandparents. They are trying to take over everything in the meantime and there is no judge that can hear my case until April 21st.  Any suggestions?