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Messages - mcollins73

Thanks.  I tried that before but the mother did not show up for the photography appt.  Hopefully now that we are going to court for visitation/custody, everything will work out where I can do just that!
I live in TN and my children live in VA.  I recently (upon the advice of this website) met with my child's principal, and was provided with all  school records as well as an individual mailing of report cards and progress reports and weekly emails from the teacher.  Previously, the custodial parent (mother) would not share this information with me.

I have also requested school pictures several times from my child's mother and have never received any.  The principal suggested that I contact the company that takes the pictures to arrange the purchase of a separate package.  I called them today and was told that they will not allow the non-custodial parent to purchase pictures.  They only offer picture packages to the custodial parent and I have to go through the mother to get any.  I advised them that has not worked in the past and asked if there was a law they were going by in making that decision...the only answer I received is that this is the company's policy.

Please advise daughter is 10 yrs. old and the only pictures I have are ones I have taken from a personal camera.
Absolutely she went to the movie.  I had already bought tickets for myself, my wife and the children prior to her arrival.  While she was in line buying her own ticket, my daughter (10 yrs. old) asked if she could go with me to get in line for popcorn....Her mother wouldn't let her.  She is so controlling it is unbelievable.  I don't even feel like she needs to be present for the visitations and I only agreed to that in court because she made this big deal how the children don't feel comfortable without her.

I really think that she is a nutcase.  In her home study that was ordered by the court, she told the worker that she and I were in a 3 year relationship and were planning to get married until she found out about my infidelity.......if anything she was the infidelity.  We weren't even dating.  She also told them that she had offered to pay for a hotel for my wife and I to come there and stay so that we could go to one of the children's soccer games.  I had no idea they played soccer and when I asked the children about it.....they have never played!!
I will try to make this to the point.  CM filed for sole custody of our 2 children 8 & 10 yrs old.  We were never married and really barely dated.  We went to court and met with our lawyers.  Although I have been around the children and they know me, I haven't been as involved in their lives as I should have been because their mother is very difficult to deal with.  When I have asked questions like what school do they attend or who is their doctor she has responded that it is none of my business.  In addition, I have never seen the children without her present the entire time.

I wanted joint legal with her having primary physical custody and I wanted visitation.  She came to court with this story that the kids are afraid to be around me without her present.  In case this might be true I agreed to let her be present.  I also agreed that I would make an 8 hr. drive each way one weekend per month to visit with the children to renew our relationship.  She was agreeable and said she would be flexible and available for Saturday visitation so I could travel home on Sundays.  I also agreed to call the children each Sunday and Wednesday evening and she would have them available to accept my call.

She has fought me every time I plan to come see them.  The month following our agreement in court she said that Saturdays aren't good for her....she has to attend school on this day.....and Sundays work for her.
She did show up for first month's visitation and my wife and I took them to see a movie and out to eat.  This month, I sent her in writing the details of my visit and where it would be held.  When I called the children she got on the phone and said that since she goes to school on Saturdays, I can meet her somewhere with the children after 7pm or on Sunday.  She knows Sundays are out for me as I have to travel home to work on Monday.  I haven't worked for the company long and cannot take time off once a month.  She was already attending school when we went to court but made not mention of unavailability on Saturdays.  I suggested that she drop the children off at my mother's house where I would be staying but she said the children didn't want that they wanted me to come see them on Sunday.  

Since she never responded in writing to my written request for visitation, I told her that we decided in court that I would have weekend visitation and she knew that Saturdays was the only day I have.  Well....she didn't show up with them today.  I called her house and left a message telling her I was at my mother's house and for her to call me.  It is 9pm and I have heard nothing.

What should I do?  The court order has not been signed by the judge yet and but is vague to cover me coming from out of town.  It states "The Respondent's liberal visitation shall be structured such that he may visit with the children as frequently as possible every other weekend with the Petitioner supervising visitation".  CM says that the order says she has to be present and since she can't be present then I can't see my kids.

We are scheduled to go back to court in August when we are supposed to set a regular out of state visitation schedule with school holidays and summer vacation time.  I know she will come up with some reason why this can't be done.  She has already accused me of being DOA twice overdosed on drugs which was absolutely not true.  I think she has a mental problem....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.