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Messages - everydayson

Custody Issues / Joint Custody
Aug 30, 2006, 05:23:38 AM
BM has agreed to joint custody with equal time between us.  She has also agreed to make me primary residential parent.  She wants me to agree to no child support in TN.  BM has been very tricky in the past.  I have been primary caretaker with her mom for the last year.  

Son is 18 months old.  Should we address school issues now. I am convinced that she thinks that she will take him when he gets school age and she is done drinking and drugging.  I just don"t want to make a mistake that I will regret in a few year.  She wants two days for me and two days for her every week and every other weekend for both.  She wants daycare so that her mom can take care of him at night.  BM works nights.  My mom and I currently take care of him during the day.  I work nights.  She wants me to pay half daycare, however, I do not need daycare.  What should I agree to?  Thanks
Custody Issues / Could be great news
Jun 28, 2006, 10:06:39 AM
My 15 mo old son's mother is drinking and drugging.  We were never married.  Mother's mom said that she is tired of covering for her and is proposing to disclose info that will allow me to become primary residential.  Grandmom wants to be non residential. She said that she knows that mom will sign papers. Child already stays here 60% of time. There is no parenting plan now. How should I handle this? I want to act asap before mom changes her mind. Thanks
Custody Issues / RE: another thing...
Apr 12, 2006, 11:55:09 AM
I have taken a parenting class, but not CPR.  Mom helps out a lot when I go to school and work.  I live 1/2 mi from mom.  Would it be better if I move home? I can't believe that I found real people on this site who are willing to give me such good info.
This site is great. I appreciate the information in your reply. I know that I have work to do. Her mom says that BM will probably move back because her apt. is too small for a baby. Sounds funny to me.
Custody Issues / RE: When
Apr 11, 2006, 05:25:34 PM
Thanks for the reply and the Pi suggestion. I do not do drugs and I do not have a criminal record. She is 19. Someone told me that she drives drunk with the baby. I have been documenting when she brings the baby but I need to get more detailed.  This site is a blessing.
Custody Issues / When
Apr 10, 2006, 08:59:48 PM
I have a 18 mo. old son. I am not married to mom. I paid an atty to help me est. parentage when he was 3 mo old. I pay support and insurance. We have not finalized the papers. I have not rushed him because I do not feel good about what he said I should settle for.

Atty says don't ask for shared custody because his mother did not want it.  My son is at my home M-F 8am-5pm and every other weekend (my mom helps me with him).

I know that my son's mom is drinking and drugging. Plus, she has left the baby with her mom and moved out. Her mom is covering for her. Her mom talks like she wants to keep my son.  

I don't want to mess up my chances of getting joint or full custody of my son. My atty has my money. What will help me the most? What move should I make.