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Messages - SeanmoG7

I'm looking for guidance,

In 2003 my ex took my then 2 year old son to back to her home country in Ontario Canada.  It took me $20k to get my attorney to get jurisdiction in WISCONSIN where we lived and to get a 2 year visitation schedule in place which ends later this year december 2006.  I was real unhappy with the limited schedule as I felt I didn't get my $$ worth, but I also felt it was better than nothing.

Once again, I am finiding myself in the same position having to go back to court (more than likely w/a different attorney) in order to keep my relationship going with my son and spend a great deal more $$ to get the WI court to agree to continue the schedule as it currently is on a 5/3 week ratio (5 weeks in CANADA, 3 weeks in WISCONSIN).  My son also starts 4kindergarten this fall and his mother is inststant that he go to school in Canada full-time which would give me less frequent visitation with my son.  She's arguing that going back and forth to 2 different school systems is too difficult and unstable for him.  I"m arguing that it's only Kindergarten and not like's its the 1st grade.

If I give in with his mother's wishes, I'm concerned that lthe ess frequent visitations with my son will negatively affect my relationship with him down the road...  and on the other hand, I'm concerned about spending that kind of $$ once again and not be able to prove that my relationship with my son is important to me...

Am I fighting a losing battle?

Are there any court cases or studies that prove less frequent visitations w the biological father have a negative impact on boys?

I am not willing to give in to her wishes if I know and can prove that it's will negatively affect my son and our relationship.

Thanks, Shawn