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Messages - jeffro123

Dear Socrateaser / RE: Update - Ohio custody
Apr 21, 2006, 03:56:54 AM
Pls feel free to email me at [email protected].  I have not received the court order for the psych.  Also, this is in Dayton, Ohio.. actually Greene county.
Dear Socrateaser / Update - Ohio custody
Apr 20, 2006, 07:04:49 AM

Just to refresh. I am the man from Ohio that had court scheduled for Friday.  The BM is alienating the BF but I am winning the court appointed evals.  We had a home study which recommended me at the residential parent.  My fear was what would happen in court.  Well, I am not going to court.  It seems the court allowed her to come up with $2500 to have a complete psych eval.  They also said that custody changes back to me when school is out for the year and she gets Standard Order visitation.  They only gave her 2 weeks of summer vacation vs. the 4 in Standard Order.  Our next court date now is Aug 23rd.

1.  Why does the court allow this to go on?  When divorced I had to do the psych and the GAL both.  

2.  Does the home study and psych carry the same weight?  If I were to lose the psych (which I hope I dont) and won the home study, what will the court do then?

3.  How often does a psych and home study differ?

And yes... I am very upset and disappointed in the judicial process as well as my ex for continuing this mess!!  
Dear Socrateaser / RE: Update - Ohio custody
Apr 21, 2006, 03:56:54 AM
Pls feel free to email me at [email protected].  I have not received the court order for the psych.  Also, this is in Dayton, Ohio.. actually Greene county.
Dear Socrateaser / Update - Ohio custody
Apr 20, 2006, 07:04:49 AM

Just to refresh. I am the man from Ohio that had court scheduled for Friday.  The BM is alienating the BF but I am winning the court appointed evals.  We had a home study which recommended me at the residential parent.  My fear was what would happen in court.  Well, I am not going to court.  It seems the court allowed her to come up with $2500 to have a complete psych eval.  They also said that custody changes back to me when school is out for the year and she gets Standard Order visitation.  They only gave her 2 weeks of summer vacation vs. the 4 in Standard Order.  Our next court date now is Aug 23rd.

1.  Why does the court allow this to go on?  When divorced I had to do the psych and the GAL both.  

2.  Does the home study and psych carry the same weight?  If I were to lose the psych (which I hope I dont) and won the home study, what will the court do then?

3.  How often does a psych and home study differ?

And yes... I am very upset and disappointed in the judicial process as well as my ex for continuing this mess!!  
Dear Socrateaser / Advice
Apr 18, 2006, 01:43:35 PM
Dear Soc:
To give a little history..  Custody case in ohio.  Originally settled in March of 2003.  After multipe DV's against me, I won a psychological and a GAL.  I (stupidly I think) gave shared parenting with me as residential parent.  The psychological warned of future alienation.  
Fast forward to last fall.. New wife gets into altercation with my son.  Ex wife files DV on current wife on behalf of son.  DV dropped etc no merit.
Change in custody continues and we have a "home study" done.  Home Study recommends custody switch back to me (Was temporarily changed during DV against current wife).  I am being alienated from my son and I am fortunate enough to be winning the studies.  Child is 10.5 now.  
Friday is court day and I know they will TRY to get us to agree again.  I want limited visitation time for my son with ex for NOW.  However, I am afraid of pushing the issue.

1.  Should I push for the Standard Order that was mentioned in the home study?
2.  Any other advice?