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Messages - jj94auto

I am the NCP. My child lives in the State of Florida with the CP. I live in the State of Virginia.

Last time that my child was here, the child was allegedly sick with a strep throat.

The CP sent a prescription along with the child that was intended to fix the alleged strep throat.

The child was watched by my present wife during his visitation time with me while I was at work.

The CP called a few days later to tell me that the child still had the strep throat and questioned me as to whether or not I had given the child his prescription each and every day. When I asked the CP why they would ask me a question like that, the CP stated that the doctor wanted to know. (Funny that the doctor has my phone number on file and has been specifically instructed to contact me in addition to the CP when there is a problem).

If the CP was a "normal" person, I would take this question with a grain of salt. However, and based on the CP's track record, I am on the alert.

My present wife is naturally alarmed, and I don't want to compromise her safety/freedom in any capacity should the CP make any false statements.

Additionally, I recently exerted my FERPA rights by obtaining my child's medical records.

My child has been perpetually sick, and I would like to speak to his doctor to determine the following:

1) What my child has suffered during the past few years.

2) If my child has actually been sick with a strep throat recently.

It is difficult for me to get the child's medical records as I am not his insurance provider, nor do I presently have the capacity to be his insurance provider.

My questions are as follows:

1) What questions might I ask the doctor?

2) How do I determine who the child's present doctor is in the future without assistance from the CP? (The CP is evasive with information at best).

3) How do I interpert the child's medical chart that I have received already? Will a doctor be willing to do that for me? How much would he charge?
