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Messages - Mizfit

I should have clarified.

I am not going to push for 50/50 really... just more time with the kids.  

I want them in public school and to be immunized.  I feel that both of these decisions she has made without me are NOT in the children's best interest and since we have JOINT decisions, I feel that the best interest of the children should prevail.
BM has Primary Residential. Papers state clearly there is joint legal and joint decision making for medical and education.  BM began homeschooling without discussing it with me.  

Went to mediation last year over this issue. Agreed to allow a "trial" year with certain provisions so that I could feel I was a part of DD's education and life.  

Year is over.  None of the mediation agreements have been followed.  Testing shows homeschool is not effective for DD.  Have re-scheduled mediation 3 times - 3 different mediators.  BM cancelled 2 of them, showed for one but refused to negotiate.

Children are also not immunized, something I have been pushing for for years.

Hiring a Father's Rights attorney on Wednesday.  Have talked to 4 attorneys - all say I should win.  BM says as Primary Residential, she has all the decision making.

1.  Do we waste our money going back to court?
2.  Does her failure to comply with the original mediation agreement help? Does her cancelling appointments?
3.  Even though our parenting plan states joint decisions, can she still override my opinions because she is primary residential?
