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Messages - nomadant

My brother is 8 and the only reason he wasn't with my father was because when my mom left six years ago she took him with her and went out of state (which my dad knows now he shouldn't have let happen) and left me with my dad.  Neither my dad nor her had any papers saying they had custody of my brother or myself.  There was never any abuse on my fathers part. For the past 4 years my mom was living with my grandmother so in turn so was my brother.  We've also heard she's got some type of paper (non-legal) that supposedly my mom signed saying she wanted Nicky (my brother) to live with my grandmother. The way I'm thinking is though this wont hold up in court because my mother never ha physical custody of my brother to begin with.  Am I right thinking like that?
 I am  coming to you guys regarding a court case for custody. I'm doing this for my father who is a bit computer illiterate so just think of me as him. My mother passed away a few weeks ago and since then my grandmother has had my little brother and is not willing to let him come to live with us. We went to court about a week ago and the judge did not give us the right to take my brother from the household (which I thought was pretty ridiculous). He said he needed to hear her side of the story first. So he set a new court date of May 1st. In this time we found out through my brother that my grandmother plans to take him to court and not only that but she had told him to say he wants to live with her. He is absolutely petrified of going, is there anyway to stop her from taking him? I mean I hate to see my brother like this and I know my father feels the same way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The time for court on monday is 1:30 so we would have the morning to do whatever would need to be done in order for her to be stopped from taking him out of school and bringing him to court. Thank you in adavnce.