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Messages - jesuisnoir

My wife and I arent even divorced yet and she wont even let me see my kids, im trying my best not to go over to her house and start trouble (im a product of divorce and I know what it did to me ) but she is playing the single mom role and im really having a hard time dealing with her. Now my situation is really bad beacuse she has a family full of pedifiles, now she wants to send my kids to New york were we are from .They can stay with me but she is really being a jerk about it.I am poor so she is counting on that ,( I cant afford a lawyer) she already went to file a pitition for a restraining order against me ( she failed to appear in court nor serve me)I have not been around her nor my kids in a month.She is filling thier heads with bad things about me, and I feel so helpless. I bought my eldest dauhter a cell phone to keep in contact with them , she (wife) broke it 1 week after I bought it for my daughter because she called me to tell me that her mom left them home alone.She refuses to pick up the phone when I call , and refuse to let me see my kids.i really need help beacuse im in florida and they really dont care about the dads out here. i have been both mother and father to these kids for the last 11 years, and now she is ruining mmy relationship with my kids. please help!