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Messages - sir_richard

Dear Socrateaser / parenting evaluation process
May 17, 2006, 10:23:53 AM

First I'd like to say you have a nice service you provide here. I as well as others I'm sure are greatful.

My situation at hand has me seriously concidering a physical custody battle. Found this site doing some research, joined and read some of your previous advice. I liked what I saw and read so I thought I would pose a few starter questions that I had.

1. I'm very interested in doing the parenting evaluation process. Showed it to my lawyer and she said it would be a good idea but the court/judge will have the final say in the decision. Kinda dashed my hopes a little bit but what are the real world possibilities of it being reversed? Yes, I'm assuming I will be chosen as the better parent.

2. We all want to do right by our kids no matter what the $cost but we all live in the real world and money is a factor. Since it suggests I pay for both to get the best chance at positive results, what is or would be the approximate cost for 2 of those evaluations? Or a place to find that info.

Thanks in advance for your help!

New Yorker but not the city.