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Messages - fionnasmom

Father's Issues / RE: Father in search of help.
May 24, 2006, 09:33:24 AM

Thanks.  We have been documenting.  He lives here in Texas due to circumstances and she lives in NM.  
Father's Issues / Father in search of help.
May 23, 2006, 05:52:44 PM
Hey.. I'm posting this for my brother who is a father going through some situations.  His ex-wife had an emergency situation and she left the kids with someone who is a known alcoholic, and blew a .27 when the cops showed up to check on the kids.  This woman has a history of not using any parental judgement in considering situations she puts her kids in.  She is unemployed, and will more than likely test positive on any drug test.  She has a live in unemployed boyfriend and has cut the rest of her family off from seeing the kids.  Brother had meeting over phone with cps, her family and her, and concerns were raised about her care for the kids.  After said meeting.  Brother called and ex-wife threatened him with never seeing the kids, and having the New Mexico AG go after him for child support.  He is paying support everyweek, and has sent an exorbitant amounts for said support and to have the lights turned on because she did not pay the electric bill for 5 months.... Now...  There is a parental plan on the books, however the ex- says that she's going to get a lawyer and make sure that he never sees the kids again...  Question...  What can my brother do?

 I know that it will be expensive, and this woman doesn't have a job, however she does have family members.  She is bad mouthing him behind the scenes and feeding the kids bull  about their father.

i don't make a habit out of slinging bad stuff about people so it's very hard for me to say anything about this to anyone.  But in my estimation.. This woman needs to be confined to a parenting program..

Any suggestions?