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Messages - ryderprider72

Father's Issues / I need advice!
May 24, 2006, 05:46:27 PM
My ex and me split up 2 months after my boy was born. Drinking was a problem, not with physical abuse, more that I was never around. The boy lives with her and we had a verbal agreement about child support and visitation. I quit drinking for over a year but have since started again. Nothing crazy like it was but drinking never the less. She recently found this out and said that I can't see my child until I get a lawyer and we settle this in court. I owe alot in bills and my entire checks goto them, food and gas. If I go out I spend $20 at most. I make too much for legal aid. I've never been drunk, let alone had a beer around my kid.
Question 1, Is there anything I can do in the mean time while I raise money for a lawyer about this situation?
Question 2, will it hurt me alot in court about my drinking?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks