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Messages - kr_killpack

Father's Issues / RE: I do not know what to do
Jun 21, 2006, 05:49:15 AM
I appreciate it I have contacted a lawyer am thinking very seriously about leaving her I am going to strart documenting everything she does and how neglectful she is of her family so that i can gain custody of my daughter
Father's Issues / I do not know what to do
Jun 20, 2006, 09:28:48 PM
I am a 39 old man and I am looking at another split up with my wife.
The woman was unfaithful to me she has been verbally abusive to me the entire nine years that we have been married. She has kindled a friendship with her ex husband of which she had two children. He hit he all the time and had many out side realtionships. Plus he has costed her thousands of dollars in court fees. Why would she even want to be around that man.
This is my problem she is verbly abusive name calling and the such to all the children in the house. We have a six year old daughter between us. My main fear is that we will split up and she will take that realtionship further. I do not under any circumstances want my daughter to live with tha man. So I am inbetween a rock and a hard spot here what am supposed to leave and leave my daughter with her mother and have her exposed to a volitile situation or stay and try to convice my spouse that she should give me kylie. Because I believe that I would be a far better parent. Any word of advice or encouragment would be great