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Messages - jamello

Custody Issues / Starting the divorce process
Jun 21, 2006, 09:53:09 PM
I am needing someone with a similar experience to shed some light for me.  I have been married for 4 years.  My soon to be ex had a daughter from a previous relationship.  I entered when the child was 5 and she is now 10.  The child has had behavioral issues all along and is really disrespectful to her mother.  Long story short we have since had 2 children of our own and she mistreats them terribly.  I am really concerned with their well being.  Besides that my wife sees nothing wrong and is not willing to discipline her.  My wife and I have really grown apart and we need to separate before things start to get out of hand.  Have any of you gone through this and what was the outcome of your separation?  Throw me a bone on this one please!