Ok here's a crazy question - Has there been any court case brought to the United State Supreme Court in-regards to Discrimination against men in the court system regarding Custody and Family Court -Gender bias? There is extreme gender bias in the family court system to almost blatant disregard to men. Has this been pursued before? Just wondering-and why doesn't anyone hit up these news shows such as as "Dateline" "Heraldo" "20/20 "Monte" to look into this matter to do a news piece -A Father's Love- Not Just A Paycheck. Women are not always the better parent- I was raised by my Dad. I have read alot of these posts -there's alot of Dads who love their kids like hell. If you have the passion and love as I see expressed in these posts -start bombarding these media sights with emails about doing a news piece about Fathers Rights and some of the injustices created by the court system. I'm talking about hitting the national media agencies -past the local level -something national-something that will get people to see the "fathers point of view" -something that shows- there are dads out there -who want to be more than just a "paycheck. " The Dads out there "who have a little piece of themselves die each day because their kept from their kids . Dads who feel..Dads who love and Dads who hurt.....
Just a thought
Just a thought