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Messages - dhrights

I totally agree!! My DH and I have been dealing with the court system for 4 years now and it's absolutely ridiculous. My DH's EW is constantly denying him his visitation, threatens him over the phone, basically using the telephone to harass him all day long. I swear since I've know him  she's called at the very least 4 times a day even when my SS isn't with us. My DH has filed contempt charges and telephone harassment charges all of which have been dropped without her having to endure any kind of penalty. Since there is nothing out there to stop her she continues the same behavior without remorse. My DH and I are going back to court once again because his EW has chosen to move to Florida and she is refusing to revise the custody agreement they have in place or come to any kind of rational agreement. So we're going back again-we'll never give up the fight.