I represented myself in court and devised this payment plan which was happily accepted and appreciated by everyone involved. It allows me to keep working, keep paying and gives a clear date for zero arrears.
Lawyers I spoke with were no help what so ever so I went it alone.
When all children reach 18 total support paid will be $250,000.00.
I am proud of the birth mothers and I being able to provide our children with the best schools, medical care, a safe auto and a good home in which to live.
I for the last ten years have rented rooms in others homes and driven
autos paid with cash ($2000.00) so that I could pay support.
So it can be done, is only a matter of downsizing and reducing your needs.
I represented myself in both divorces and followed state guildelines for CS which both BM1 and BM2 agreed to follow.
I represented myself in court and devised this payment plan which was happily accepted and appreciated by everyone involved. It allows me to keep working, keep paying and gives a clear date for zero arrears.
Lawyers I spoke with were no help what so ever so I went it alone.
When all children reach 18 total support paid will be $250,000.00.
I am proud of the birth mothers and I being able to provide our children with the best schools, medical care, a safe auto and a good home in which to live.
I for the last ten years have rented rooms in others homes and driven
autos paid with cash ($2000.00) so that I could pay support.
So it can be done, is only a matter of downsizing and reducing your needs.
I represented myself in both divorces and followed state guildelines for CS which both BM1 and BM2 agreed to follow.