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Messages - Black Watch

I appreciate all the feedback, but is there anyone out there who has been through one or going through one?
Truthfully, my kids are partiallly at fault for this entire situation because they are the ones who told their mother (and anyone who would listen) how horrible it is at my house...the unfair rules, the outrageous chores, their terrible stepmother.  If I fight for the twins, then I am defending the fact that they lied, (and they know they lied).  Since they were old enough to understand right from wrong, I have tried to explain to them to never lie, to respect themselves, that their honor is their most precious possesion.  Their mother has made it impossible for the twins to see the truth in what I am saying.  Their mother lies and everyone loves her.  She cheats, and never is held accountable.  She decieves people and makes it look like she is their best friend.  The twins have learned by example.
This is what is wrong with society as a consequences

I love my twins to death, but I am having a hard time not letting them fall on this, so that at least they understand that their Father was not willing to sacrifice his honor for their crying wolf.  Their only "punishment" is that they do not get to see dad as often.  My punishment is the anguish that they did not trust me.
No doubt. But I re-married 4 years ago and the evaluation involves my wife, her children and ALL of their histories as well.  She has stuck it out with me through all of these years of the mother's bulls*it, attorney fees, disrespectful the long run I don't think she signed on for this.  When I gotta pee in a cup for my ex, it's over...When I have to ask my wife and her children to pee in a cup for my ex, it's over x a million.
Hello all,
I am Father and petitioner in my case.  5 years and 3 hearings ago the court found that I had earned joint legal/physical custody, and 50/50 visitation of our 10 yr. twins. (Was she pissed...)  She took me back to court again yesterday making all the usual insinuations and allegations, and demanding full everything... The judge ordered both of our families be 3111 evaluated prior to determining any changes in custody.  After reading about what will be involved in this evaluation, I am calling it quits.  I feel that this evaluation is a direct attack on what little pride I have left after all of the previous hearings, and 5 years of berating and ridicule from the mother.
My twins excel socially and scholastically, but unfortunetely have learned from their mother how to manipulate situations by lying, omitting truths and embellishing situations to their advantage. I know they would rather be at the zero consequence, no boundry, no responsibilty home of their mother than my old fashioned household.  I'll be damned if some court ordered "social worker" is going to probe around my entire life that is spread wide open, like an orifice search, give me the Rorshak test, throw down some chicken bones and twigs and then rate my parenting skills.  I am a damn good Father, but I've got my dignity...Right or wrong it feels good to get that off my chest.