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Messages - Dorito

The only way I was able to terminate my ex's parental rights was when my DH adopted D.  
Dear Socrateaser / Thanks! (nm)
Feb 08, 2005, 10:58:59 AM
being a higher amount now that in the past?  

Here is what the info was back in 2000.  

There are 2 children involved.  Mom has both exemptions.  Dad has two other children and mom has one other child.

Percentage of time 23%
Monthly Gross $3200
Filing status - Married filing jointly
Federal Exemptions - 4
New spouse income - $4000
Health Insurance - $124
Property Tax - $30
Interest Expense - $711
Union Dues - 170
Mandatory Retirement - $355

BM's info
Percentage of time 77%
Monthly gross (imputed) $3200
Federal Exemptions - 5
New Spouse Income $6525
Health Insurance - $125
Property Tax - $224
Interest expense - $1200

Can you see what the totals would be?
Dear Socrateaser / Child support in CA
Feb 07, 2005, 08:59:01 PM
I was wondering since I read that the child tax credit is $1000 per child from now until 2009 I believe, what, if any, could the effects be on a new child support order?  

Facts:  Dh child support order was set in CA back in June 2001 (actually order was made in May 1999 but not finalized until then).  There are two children.  DH originally (from 1996 throough 2000) had one exemption and mother had the other.  Mom decided she wanted the deduction so DH lost the exemption from 2001 on.

Would there be any significant change in your opinion?
BM in our case also shows skids the home movies.  BM and DH were married for almost 8 years.  Skids were 5 and 3 when they divorced.  She only watches them with the skids and her daughter with her now DH when her DH is out of town.  I think it is odd especially when the skids aren't even in the videos.  The ones they are in seem alright but I still think it is a little strange to show them to her YD with her DH.